Friday, April 4, 2008

On helping kids to read ... and a bit of a rant

Well, it is Friday afternoon, almost time to go home but I meant to update this at least one more time this week with a couple of things so here goes...

For anyone who wants the "BEST" website on how to help kids learn to read, I cannot say enough good things about Reading Rockets ...

This is a monthly newsletter that gets mailed to your email inbox with all kinds of things to delight a librarian's heart -- booklists, webcasts about how we need to do more to help kids read, spell and write, videos of inner city schools showing inspirational teachers teaching kids how to improve their literacy skills, a section to help parents understand how to help their struggling readers -- the good stuff just goes on and on. Sign up now please!

Please indulge me while I speak for a moment about my favorite subject -- small dogs, being the proud owner of two. Why is it that the latest cutesy dog food's website "Caesar Living", with its Poster-Westie, Maggie, has no pictures of Cairn Terriers on their photo-gallery of breed indexes?
Penny and Stewie, my two cairns, told me that they'd like to be included in the gold picture frames too...,null,null,breedsindex

Thanks for listening!

A postscript (written on May 2/08) - I emailed the dog food company's website and they told me they appreciated the "feedback" and would take my comments to their advisory board -- oh, the bureaucracy! Not sure what that means or if the cairn terrier will make it onto their website.

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